Club Events & Garden To-Do's

Club & Local Garden Events

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Falcon Area Garden To-Do's

Just click on a month to see what you should be doing in your garden.

• Check stored bulbs for drying, sprouting or rot.
• Browse through seed and plant catalogs.
• Pick up a new gardening book and plan your vegetable garden or flower garden.
• Check windows and house plants for fungus gnats.
• Give all houseplants a shower.
• Consider potting bulbs, such as daffodils and narcissus, tulips, crocus, hyacinth, grape hyacinth and iris for forced blooming.
• Begin keeping a garden journal, evaluate last summer's successes and failures.
• Clean, sharpen, repair and oil garden tools.

Water trees and shrubs if there is no snow cover and daytime temperatures are above freezing.
Adjust houseplant watering to winter heat and humidity.

• Spray fruit and deciduous trees and shrubs with horticultural oil sprays.
• Gather branches of quince, forsythis and flowering cherries and bring inside to force blooms.
• Bring forcing bulbs inside for indoor color.
• Service garden machinery.
• Check for fungus gnats around windows and soil of potted plants.
• Begin planning or reevaluating your existing perennial beds for various colors, textures and forms.
• Make sure Spruce trees are adequately watered. Three or more dry winters can take their toll.

Water roses if winter snow was minimal.

• Plant seed flats with tomato, pepper and cole crops (cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli and Brussels sprouts).
• Apply horticultural oil sprays to fruit and deciduous trees and shrubs before bud break.
• Check mulch around bulbs, roses and new transplants. Refresh if necessary.
• Loosen the top 12" of your soil; add 2-3" of compost to clay or sandy soils, till 12 inches deep.

Plant drought tolerant annuals and perennials (gray-leaved), and spring bulbs.
Plan your vegetable garden in blocks not rows, to increase moisture retention and pollination.

• Mown lawn 3 inches in height; never remove more than a 1/3 of the grass plant.
• Fertilize your lawn.
• Remove garden debris, straw or grass clippings as potential hiding places for slugs; apply iron phosphate as a safe slug bait.
• Prune, shape and thin spring-blooming shrubs after blossoms fade.
• Use floating row covers over cole crops at planting time to pretect from insects.
• Remove tree wrap.

If you water with a hose, use a valve or kitchen timer as a reminder to change the water.
Aerate lawns for more effective water and fertilizer usage.

• Plant dahlias and cannas after last frost.
• Plant chrysanthemums for fall color.
• Fertilize roses; watch for powdery mildew and black spot.
• Avoid using "weed and feed" materials on the lawn; spot spray for weeds instead.
• Continue to plant fall root or leaf crops every two weeks for a continuous harvest.

Apply 1-2 inches of organic mulch between flowers to retain moisture and control weeds; add organic matter.
If you do not have an automatic sprinkler system, water your trees with a bubbler at the end of a hose at a
low rate, at several locations beyond the drip line. Delay pruning at lest two weeks before the last spring frost.

• Pinch back fall-blooming perennials until the 4th of July.
• First blossoms on squash, pumpkin and cucumbers will drop without setting fruit; nothing to worry about.
• Prune flowering shrubs after blooming.
• Continue adding to and turning compost.

When possible, apply water below the foliage of the plant using trickle or drip irrigation. Irrigate the lawn deeply and
as infrequently as possible; this increases the lawn's drought resistance.

Irrigate the lawn only when needed; that is, when footprints or mower tracks become easily visible and
do not "spring back" within 30 minutes..

• Pinch vine ends on indeterminate or heirloom tomatoes; not bush tomatoes.
• Mound soil around base of potatoes.
• Watch for spider mites on ornamental evergreens such as spruce and arborvitae.
• Weed and fertilize rhubarb and asparagus beds, and water deeply to develop roots for next year's crop.
• Look for signs of Tomato Hornworms, control with Bacillus thuringiensis.

Continue to apply mulch on flower and vegetable gardens to keep cool and retain moisture.

• Turn compost and keep moist. Do not use grass clippings if lawn was treated with herbicide.
• Prune away excess vegetation and flowers on frost tolerant vegetable crops to channel energy into maturing remaining fruit.
• Harvest potatoes, onions and garlic as the tops die down; hang garlic and onion in a dry place.
• Do a final pruning of suckers at the base of trees.
• Purchase fall bulbs.

Continue watering trees and shrubs as needed.

• Harvest winter squash when the ground spot changes from a white to a cream or gold color.
• Ripen green tomatoes indoors as frost threatens; check often and discard rotting fruit.
• In the fall, mound soil from another part of the garden around the base of the rose for additional protection from the cold.
• Plant limited area cool season lawns of blends of bluegrass by seeding and sodding.

Areate lawns for more effective water and fertilizer usage.

• Incorporate organic matter into the vegetable garden soil after the season is over.
• Prune all fall bearing canes, mulch with clean, weed-free straw or chipped wood mulch.
• Plant daffodils, tulips or crocus for spring bloom.
• Dig, clean and store tuberous begonias, cannas, dahlias and gladiolas before frost.
• Recycle materials from garden clean up; do not compost diseased or insect infested materials.
• Cover asparagus and rhubarb beds with manure or compost.
• Plant garlic for next summer's harvest.

Blow our your sprinkler system.

• Rake, remove and destroy diseased leaves.
• Store garden supplies and fertilizers in a safe, dry place.
• Clean up annual flower beds; renew mulch around perennials.
• Place mulch around roses, berries and other tender plants.
• Wrap the trunks of young, thin-barked trees with paper tree wrap to prevent sun scald.
• Place coated fencing material loosely around tree trunks to prevent deer and elk rubbing.

Water trees and shrubs before winter sets in.

• Take a soil sample and send it into a lab for evaluation.
• Make sure that trees and shrubs are well-watered going into the winter.
• Move house plants away from cold windows.
• Start planning for next season by making a list of what plants worked and what plants didn't.
• Winter is a good time to line up an arborist for the spring pruning of your trees.

Check for winter watering. Water when there is no snow cover for 2 weeks and when daytime
temperatures are above freezing (once a month maximum)